
Yogaland Roundup

February 24th, 2023

Hello, hello!

I’m so excited to start book clubbin’ with you. If you order the book by this Monday, Feb. 27th, you can access all of Jill’s perks (which include a class from her digital library, a free Master Class on the vagus nerve, and being entered in a drawing to attend an online training).

Also! We are going to start moving through the book together on Monday, March 6th! So, you’ll want to have your book for that.

I’ve put the schedule in below. Each week, I will share 2-3 discussion threads with key ideas that stand out to me. Half of these will be available to everyone and half will be available to paid subscribers (and I will join the conversation on the latter!)

I will connect with Jill soon and set up a date for our exclusive Q&A for paid Book Clubbers — think end of March/beginning of April.

Have a great weekend!

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